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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19919
This Months Entries: 10
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squiz (6 entries)
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squiz (Stoke Factor: 21 )
maker (Stoke Factor: 13 )

Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3146

28th May 2016
Windsurfing:  Lac Monteynard
Wind Direction: N
Wind Stength: 6/10
Surf / Sea State: flat
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Max Speed: 10.22 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered:

Saturday 28th May – windsurf * Lac Monteynard – sunny and warm – 10.22 kts. :(

Yet another good night at the quiet end of the Treffort carpark on the edge of Lac Monteynard as all the big campers park the other end to plug in! It’s a still sunny morning with the only noise from the many cow bells on the far side of the Lac! Relaxing start with breakfast in the sun watching the action with loads of men heading off in boats fishing, people learning to wakeboard, canoes, dinghies, the water taxi, SUP’s and the large boat we took our bikes on last year :) I fill our water bottles from a near-by tap and then head to the jetty end in search of bread. I visit the tourist centre for loads of brochures, find a delicious olive loaf in the tiny shop and have a word with the man in the windsurfing shop who says no wind for a week!
Our plan was to take it easy after a hectic few days, see if the wind picks up enough to windsurf and then head off as it is 10 Euros a night here and it’s getting busy. The first hydrofoil kiter hit the water at midday in very light winds probably under 8kts and was soon in trouble when the kite hit the water and he had to pack up and swim ashore! We watched a Red kite looking for dinner and read for an hour. Then the breeze filled in a little with the kiters going really well and the windsurfers out in force too, so I decided to give it a go. I quickly rigged the 7.8 on the 133 and after struggling down the steep Stoney bank to the water I set off across the narrow lac. The wind just got lighter and lighter as I beat slowly up the Lac never planing just getting a bit frustrated with all the kiters whizzing past:( The highlight of the session was having the Black kite fly overhead:) I wobbled back, had a quick swim to cool down, helped an Italian kiter with his board, again struggled up the bank to pack up. Having had enough of Monteynard we pack the van away and head off to pay our 10 Euros – not bad for lac side parking:) We drove to Monestier for a shop. Shopping done - our plan was to drive to the Source de Gilliards, a lovely spot we discovered 4 years ago. Mag was looking for the D66 at Mens which we found OK but then after several miles realised we were going the wrong way down it! Still the bright side was the scenery was stunning and after crossing a few Cols I found a turning right which took you to the Gorges des Gas passing the Defile du Charan which sounded right up our street:) The windy road took us down a long valley to the small isolated village of Glandage where the defile was. With no signs so we continued to the gorge passing through several rock tunnels before turning back to Glandage looking for somewhere to stop. I found a narrow turning and was not put off by the sign saying ‘Route Difficile’ but should have taken notice as after a half a mile came to a very steep sharp right hand corner and tried in vain to turn but the van was too long to make it!!! The next minute we find ourselves well and truly stuck with the van too heavy to move forward with the wheels just spinning and a stone wall behind. I just don’t know how I got us in this position! We removed the bikes and rack hopping to reverse out but just couldn’t go back far enough. We tried the mud strips but they just keep shooting out the back so we were very much in big trouble, the worst we have ever been in and Mag got close to seeing a grown man cry!!! We walked up the hill to a house but they were out so Mag headed down to the village while I stayed with the van. Then our knights in shining armour arrived in the shape of two old boys in a white van:) With one standing on the passenger’s side door well and the other pushing and with me with the ABS on and in second gear we managed to manoeuvre round the corner and up the hill to a flat spot with great views over the village all be it in a cloud of smelly smoke! With handshakes and big thank yous all round I headed off to find Mag and give her the good news. I found her walking up the hill having enlisted the help of three fine looking young French brothers to give us a push. With their help not now required we thanked them and with much relief headed to the van to sort it out. After having topped up the water tank while the boot was open, and reloaded the bikes we decided to stay here the night as the poor old van was smelling rather burned out and in need of a rest!
With too much stress to cook we finished off the Olive bread and hope for an early night with no dramas tomorrow!!!!

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Toys Used:
F2 Xantos 295 133
Tushingham Lightning 7.8
Mystic  Majestic xl



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